Climate protection and energy-saving measures at “Learning Places of the Future”

Cities and schools of the future will be smart, digital and sustainable. With their Smart School pilot project, InfraLab Berlin and the Berlin Energy Agency developed a concept for a learning site that serves as a role model for other schools and also as a place for experimentation and creation.

The concept includes four areas that are being developed together with school students, teachers, parents, neighbors and the district: a sustainable learning concept, modern IT equipment, building technology, the school environment and a variety of learning opportunities.

For the state of Berlin and the Berlin schools, sustainable effects can be derived from this initial prototype: for students in that they implement climate action and energy-saving measures in their day-to-day school life, put their ideas into practice at school and with their neighbors, and discover climate action as a possible career; for teachers and school administrators in that they receive professional support in teaching the topic of innovative, smart climate protection, and there is also an enhanced sense of identification with the school; for the state of Berlin in that the Smart School project directly contributes to its climate protection and energy-saving targets.

The catalog of measures developed in connection with the pilot project can be transferred to other educational institutions such as schools and high schools – independently of any existing renovation roadmaps.

Responsible: InfraLab e.V.

Participants: Berlin Energy Agency, Berliner Immobilienmanagement GmbH (BIM), Senate Department for Education, Youth and Family (SenBJF), Senate Department for the Environment, Urban Mobility, Consumer Protection and Climate Action (SenUMVK)

Period: 10/2022 – 2025

Fields of action: Ensure that critical and digital infrastructure is fail-safe; create the conditions for intelligent data use

Spatial level: Diverse, livable neighborhoods and accessible urban space